Sorry for not getting back sooner, we had some heavy weather pass through, took down a couple of good sized Norway spruce, have been cleaning up.
Added a Cust Fun near the beginning of the ladder to determine the lapsed time for 1000 cycles through the ladder. Found 1783 maximum HS timer ticks of 0.01 seconds = 0.0178 seconds per cycle. This should easily grab my 2 second period for switch closures. This is in line with Gary's first comment. Hope my findings are correct. Here is the Cust Fun code:
'DM[3945] Is a counter for how many times we have been through the ladder loop
'First time here, start the timer at 6000
if DM[3945] = 0
TimerPV[1] = 6000
IF DM[3945] = 1000
'Timer 1 is set as a high speed timer with 01 second per tick, and will measure the period for the number of iterations
DM[3946] = 6000 - TimerPV[1]
'DM[3946] Is the actual number of time ticks elapsed, and DM[3947} is the maximum number of ticks
IF DM[3946] > DM[3947]
DM[3947] = DM[3946]
DM[3945] = 0
DM[3945] = DM[3945] + 1
I will save the code that Gary generated, probably will be a learning experience.
Thanks again.