Author Topic: TLserver using ethernet vs RS232  (Read 13784 times)


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TLserver using ethernet vs RS232
« on: April 14, 2010, 01:21:35 PM »
Hello Again.

Today I connected one of my computers to the PLC using ethernet. I succesfully uploaded the program using ethernet to the PLC with this computer.

I then moved the program to the "site computer" and connected it up using ethernet. When I tried to upload the program to the PLC, I got a whole bunch of warnings about my program. The warnings varied from "File is corupted" to "<custom function named> is already energized".

I then connected the "site computer" using RS232 and tried to download the same program. It was successful (no warnings).

Any ideas why I have such inconsistant preformance?

Thank you.


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Re:TLserver using ethernet vs RS232
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2010, 02:51:32 PM »
Is your TRiLOGI version 6.2x?

If so, please upgrade your i-TRiLOGI to the latest Version (now shipping 6.31 build 03). You can go to "Help" menu and follow the "TRiLOGI Upgrade" link.

There was an issue with newer multi-core computer in version 6.2x where both CPU cores tried to compile the same program and resulting in strange compilation error (it explains why you received "function already energized" errors). When you transfer program through the TLServer, the two CPU cores are probably processing different threads so the problem did not occur.

By right the O/S and Java JRE should have prevented this from occurring but apparently they didn't (not sure whether it is Windows fault or Java fault). In any case we had to rewrite the part of the program to prevent two threads from calling the same compilation function and this should be resolved in Version 6.3x.

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