Author Topic: 0-1V or 0-5V?  (Read 16039 times)


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0-1V or 0-5V?
« on: March 30, 2010, 10:08:00 AM »

I think I have seen that MD Plc can have 0-1V or 0-5V analogue signal input for ADC. Am I right? Or is 0-5V the preferred analogue signal?

I need the MD Plc to drive a VFD that takes either 0-20mA, or 0-10V input as control for speed of the motor. Any way to achieve it?

How can I make a MD Plc retrieve a DM value from another MD Plc? Connect both of them using RS485?



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Re:0-1V or 0-5V?
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2010, 01:26:31 PM »
T100MD1616+ has two analog inputs that are 0-1V and two analog inputs that are 0-5V. You can connect 1-5V to the 0-5V inptus. You just get readings from 819 to 4092. You can scale it to whatever value you want.

T100MD1616+ also has 1 analog output that is 0-20mA. You can add a 500 ohm resistor to turn it into a 0-10V output.

You can program one MD PLC to retrieve DM from another MD, F or Nano-10 PLC. Please see application notes for details:

click on "Remote I/O" project.
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