To put in a little different words. One needs to calculate and store all numbers as whole integers, including the early arithmetic operation results (division in the middle of the equation) as multiples of some constant like 10, 100, etc. over the full range of expected values. Then when displaying, divide by the constant. When used in formulas, and boolean, one needs to remember that the number stored is multiplied by some constant. Here are some copy/paste from my code:
Note the value of "G" the fuel level is multiplied by 10.
IF (TESTIO(GAS_PUMP) = 0) and (G <= 106) and (TESTIO(HIGH_LIMT) = 1)
--I really want to turn on the pump when "G" is less than 10.6
--and when displaying the value of "G" to 1/10 gallon, the code looks like:
SETLCD 2,1, "GASOLINE " + STR$(G/10,2) + "." + STR$(G MOD 10,1) +" GALLON"