We are currently creating a couple of programs with application notes on how to use the E10+ as remote I/O for the M-Series PLC. When it is done these programs and application notes will be available for download. For now I can tell you that it is possible to use the NETCMD$ function to send the write single bit command. Here is an example of what it should look like:
O$ = NETCMD$(3, "@02Wb08FF")
where O$ is just a string to store the response. The "02" part of the string is the id, that should be replaced with the id of the E10Relay+. Be sure that both devices have separate ID's, otherwise there is a potential for data loss.
When using the NETCMD$ function you don't need to worry about appending the FCS (frame check sequence), *, or CR (carriage return). These are all handled automatically by NETCMD$.
When using TLServer the command will look like this (case sensitive):
where 7F is the FCS, which can be calculated using the FCS button. Be sure that you calculate the FCS without the * since that gets appended after the FCS and is not involved in the calculation.
The format for this host link command is multi-point. Please download refer to the E10 Host Link command reference manual for details on the correct multi-point format.