Author Topic: Xserver MAC address is NOT showing up on my router  (Read 13864 times)


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Xserver MAC address is NOT showing up on my router
« on: June 08, 2008, 05:33:59 AM »
I followed the instructions given..  
Pluged the Xserver to my router using a cat5 network cable.. I powered the Xserver up then went into my router using a the web browser to get it's assigned IP address..  I could see the MAC addresses and assigned IP addresses for my latop and desktop computers, but not for the Xserver..   I reset the router to see if it would pick it up when it re-initialized..   but no..  I Then I tried it with a different router, my Dlink DI-624, but the same..  
Am I wrong, but should the Xserver be reconized via the network without any tweaking through the COM port...
That being said, I was going to try configuring the Xserver through the COM port the user manual PDF says something about using the cable with the DB9 female ends..  Well the one I have for programming the T100MD+2424 is DB9 Male- DB9 Female, straight through..
I can make a cable that is DB9 Female at both ends or use a gender changer and use the cable I have already, but is this cable straight through or is it null modem where the RX and TX are swapped from one end to the other..  Anyway, they mention this cable like as though it was provided..  they don't discribe it beyond the two DB9-F ends..  

That was a mouth full, sorry, So is my Xserver fooked? or do I have to configure it.. and if so what cable to I get or make??

« Last Edit: June 08, 2008, 05:36:29 AM by PLCrazy »


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Re:Xserver MAC address is NOT showing up on my router
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2008, 01:15:57 PM »
To configure the XServer, you need the configuration cable which is essentially a null modem cable where both ends are female DB9, and 2-3, 3-2, 5-5 (T100MD only, T100MX require 4-6 and 6-4). Configuation cable is part of the "X-cable" set which you get if you order the XServer+X-cable combination. But if you only order the XServer then the configuration cable is not included. But you can easily make up one yourself if you have the females DB9 connectors.

The easiest way to find the IP address is to load the TestXServer.PC6 program into the PLC (you can do this with TLServer serial port connection), then click on the input to run the "GetIP" function to obtain the IP address of the XServer.
Do ensure that the XServer 's RDY light is lit before carrying out any kind of communication with it.

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