Hello, I am having a trouble connecting to a new M-7019R from ICP using a T100MD888. I have connected port 3 RS485 to the M-7019R, with another 888 plc on the same network, my Master plc is address 02, slave plc is 01, and M-7019R is address 00 as per factory setting.
My comm settings are 8 bit, 1 stop, 9600 baud and no parity.
I can communicate to the slave 888 via the network properly so I know my connecting is okay, I just can not seem to send out the initialization string to the M-7019. I have tried all types of variations of initialization string as per the Trilogi samples and the ICP manual, but I just can't seem to get it to work. When I check the serial buffer Z$ with online monitoring there is nothing there when I send the command to initialize.
The 3 components are only inches away from each other in the panel, I have used different ICP modules with my T100MD plc with good results, this one just does not seem to respond.
The difference with this model is that it will accept both DCON and Modbus protocol. Could you help me with the initialization string in Modbus format, as I do not have much experience using it??
Thanks for any help you can give.