We only support Java applet or application connection to the XServer. XServer uses proprietary encryption for username/password login and is not compatible with standard VB6 connection.
However, if you use the XServer without using the username and password then you can use your VB.NET controls to do a socket connection to XServer and then send hostlink commands to it.
You can try to communicate with the XServer using Telnet as follow (our XServer is at :
c:\> telnet
A Telnet session will start
Then enter the following text (or cut and paste since you probably can't see the echo):
GET /TLcomm
press <Enter> 3 times, then the word OK-1 will appear. Now you can send any host link command such as "IR*" or "@01WO00AA00*" and there will be a response from the PLC.
To quit from XServer, send the command "Quit" and the session will end.
Once you have gone through the telnet session, you will know how to write your Visual Basic program to communicate with the PLC via XServer.