Configure and Setup Device

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I)  Basic Setup

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Factory Default: FF (accessible only via USB)

Permissible values: 01 to FE (accessible via Alec Gateway)

Note: If you are linking  < 100 devices to a single gateway you could assign them using only IDs representable in decimal notation (i.e. 01 to 99) for the user who are unfamiliar with hexadecimal notations.

When a ZC001 is shipped from the factory it is assigned the ID of FF (Hex). This is the same ID as the Alec IoT Gateway and when a command destined for ID=FF is received by the Gateway it will not be sent to the ZC001. So ZC001 will not cause any network problem when assigned with the default ID of FF.

If a ZC001 is to be used in a standalone mode then you may keep the ID as FF or you can change its ID using this command.

If ZC001 is to be used as an IoT device that allows management over the TCP/IP network from the Alec Commander Pro software, then you must connect them using a twisted pair multi-drop RS485 bus to an ALEC IoT Gateway, and aach ZC001 must be assigned a unique ID of between 01 and FE (hex).  Two ZC001 connected to the same RS485 bus MUST NOT be assigned the same ID otherwise both devices will become inccessible over the network.

Hence we recommend that you change the ZC001's ID via the USB connection using either the Alec Commander Basic or the Mobile Alec Configurator software that lets you change the ID via a mobile phone.

However, if for some reason you need to change the ID of a ZC001 that is already workings on a network and you understand the risk, it is possible to change its ID by clicking on the "Edit" button next to the Device ID box. You will be allowed to change the device ID to another unused ID.

If you make a mistake of assigning two devices to the same ID you will need to change one of them via the USB connection only since both will not be  accessible over the RS485 network.

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The textField shows the current date and time real time clock data in the ZC001. You can change its date and time by clicking on the "Set" button.

Each ZC001 has a real-time-clock (RTC) that has both date and time and is running continuously once it is powered on. However, in order to make use of the RTC-related capabilities of the ZC001 (such as real-time scheduling of its functions and logging of daily and hourly consumption data), its real time clock must be set to the correct date and time value.


1) When a ZC001 is first powered up or recovered from a power failure it will lose its RTC value. You will notice that the ring LED indicator on the push button will blink rapidly 3 times every 30 seconds to indicate that the ZC001 RTC has not been set. 

2) If the ZC001 is connected to the Alec IoT Gateway GW-E01 via RS485, then you DO NOT need to set the date and time of individual ZC001. You will only need to set up the IoT Gateway GW-E01's real-time clock once and the GW-E01 will automatically update the date and time of all the ZC001 every minute to synchronize all their actions. GW-E01's RTC is battery-backed and is also capable of updating its own RTC from the Internet so you normally don't need to do any manual settings of the RTC after a power failure.

3) If the ZC001 is a standalone unit and and if you do not intend to make use of the RTC-related functions then you do not need to set its RTC and the ZC001 will run on the settings based on "Default No RTC Settings" defined in the "Advanced Device Configuration" screen.

4) However, if the ZC001 is standalone unit and you still want to make use of the RTC-related functions, then you must set its RTC via the "Set" button described here after a power failure.   For this reason if you deploy more than a few units of ZC001 in your work place it is advantangeous to consider networking them to a Alec IoT Gateway in order to let the Gateway manage the Real-Time Clock on all the ZC001 automatically, and also enable you to program and control all of them via the Alec Commander Pro software.

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Default name: ALEC-ZC001

This allows you to assign a meaningful name to the ZC001 that you have connected to.

Note: The device name has no control significance and you can name them anything up to 40 characters in length, or you can leave them as is with their factory default name.


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Default: Group 1

Any ZC001 networked to an Alec IoT Gateway can belong to one or more of any of the 8 control groups. Check the control group check box if you want to assign it to a particular control group.  The control group numbers are used by the "Group Control"  function in the Alec Commander Pro. E.g. if Group Control send a 50% brightness command to group #7, then all the ZC001s that belongs to group 7 will be set to brightness of 50% and those that do not belong to group 7 will not react to the command.


        II)  Set the default settings of a ZC001 when Real Time Clock Not Set
(May also be used as default settings for program schedules)

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Enable/Disable Motion ON
Factory Default: ON
When the lights are in the OFF or DIM state, if "Motion Turn ON light" is checked then sensing of motion will turn ON or brighten up the lights to the previous user set brightness.

If unchecked then sensing of motion will not affect the lights and the lights can only be turned on manually (either via the push button or from the computer). However, vacancy OFF can still be enabled.

enableDaylightHvstCheckBox.jpg (4144 bytes) This is a duplicate field.  It is explained in greater details in the "Advanced Configuration" help page.
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0: Disabled.
Range: 1-32767 (s)
Factory Default: 600 (s)
When set to a non-zero values, the lights will be turned OFF or dimmed down to the "Auto OFF DIM Level" when no motion (vacancy) has been detected for this period of time (in seconds). 
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When lights is manually turned ON it will be automatically turned down or turned OFF after this period. 

0: Disabled.

Factory Default:  3600s (1 hour)

When the user manually switch on the lights (either via push button switch or from a computer), the lights will stay ON for this period of time before turning itself OFF or dimmed down to the "Auto OFF DIM Level". This essentially turn ZC001 into a timer-OFF switch.

Note: If BOTH Timer Switch and Vacancy Detection are enabled, the light will ONLY be turned OFF or dimmed down when BOTH the timer OFF delay and the vacancy OFF delay periods have timed out.

Applications: if you are working at a location where motion sensor cannot reach but you do not want the vacancy OFF timer to kick in every 10 minutes, then if you set this value to 3600s you can turn on the light manually and it will keep the lights ON for at least 1 hour before the vacancy timer starts to act.

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0:  Turn OFF power to lights

1-100: Dim the lights to this level.

Factory Default: 10 (%)


This parameter determines what will happen to the lights controlled by ZC001 when the Vacancy OFF Delay and/or Timer OFF Delay expires:

a) If set to 0, the relay that control the lights will be de-energized and the lights will be switched OFF completely.

b) If set to between 1 and 100 (%), the lights will remain ON but will be dimmed down to this brightness level

Applications: For many public locations where there should be some lights for safety or for security reasons, and the lights should not be completely turned OFF when vacancy is detected you can set the light to be dimmed down to an acceptable brightness level. E.g. At 10% brightness level a typical 50W LED troffle light will consume around 5W which is equivalent to a night light consumption but gives substantial brightness and save 90% of energy that would otherwise be wasted.

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0:  Do not cancel Forced Manual Mode autoamtically.

1-32767 : automatically cancel Forced Manual Mode after this period.

Factory Default: 28800 seconds (8 hours)

If at any time the default settings of ZC001 does not meet the present requirement, it can be forced into a manual switch mode by the following actions:

a) Turn on the lights manually via the push button switch.
b) While lights is on, rapidly but firmly press the push button 4 times.
c) The blue LED indicator ring around the push button will be blinking evenly between low and high brightness every second. This gives the indication that the ZC001 has entered into a manual switch mode and is now behaving like a manual switch.

Once the ZC001 enters into "Forced Manual Mode" it will become like a simple On/OFF and dimming switch and will not respond to the motion sensing or timer switch settings.

The forced manual switch is temporary and will be automatically cancelled after a period of time (in seconds) determined by this settings unless it is set to zero.


       II)  Setup For Using Sunrise/Sunset Time in Program Schedules.

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Default: Unselected.

If can leave this unchecked if you do not need to make use of the "Sunrise" and "Sunset" settings instead of a fixed time of the day in your time- scheduling setup.

Otherwise, select this checkbox and you must then enter the latitude and longitude as well as the time zone of the location of ZC001 and save these data to ZC001 non-volatile memory. These data can easily be obtained from the Internet or you can also click the "Locate" button to access geolocation service provided at our server.

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Note: You only need to set the latitude and longitude as well as timezone data once and Alec Commander will compute the sunrise and sunset times for the year and store these times into ZC001. You do no need to update these data everytime you make changes to the other configurations settings such as control groups, device name etc.

retrieveUpdateButton2.jpg (8705 bytes) When Configure And Control Device windows is first opened the existing settings in the controller is retrieved automatically from the ZC001. However, at any time you can re-retrieve the data from the ZC001 by clicking on the "Retrieve" button.

Once you have finsihed changing the settings you can click the "Update" button to write the changes back into the ZC001. All changes made are stored into non-volatile memory.

advButton.jpg (3169 bytes) Clicking this button will open up the "Advanced Device Configuration" window.