Viewing System Variables
TBASIC has many internal numeric and string data which can be easily examined by clicking the . button on the Simulation or Monitoring screen. When you are in On-Line Monitoring mode, the data shown are the "real-time" data captured from the PLC (of course, subject to some communication and network delay) and will be updated periodically.
These variables are organized into 5 screens which can be scrolled by by clicking on the buttons or by pressing the left/right cursor keys. On some screens that span more than one page, you can scroll from page to page by clicking on the buttons or by pressing the <PgUp><PgDn> keys.
Numerical data can be viewed either in Decimal or Hexadecimal format. You can switch to the Hexadecimal format by clicking on the button or by pressing the <H> key.
On the first 4 screens it is possible to Click on the Variable Names to bring up a white call out box with the define table name if one exists (Only available on version 6.5x and 7.1x or higher):
Finally, the button (or the <E> key) allows you to make changes to any internal variables. When you are in On-Line Monitoring mode, the changes are written into the PLC. This may be useful if you need to make temporary changes to some of the PLC's data (e.g. set some parameters) without altering the program. It also helps in debugging your PLC software by allowing you to force some value to see the effect on the program. When you click on the button, a window will open to prompt you to enter the desired changes:
You must enter the values for the
variables in an assignment format as follow:
1. View Integer Variables A to Z and ADC/DAC/PWM, RTC etc
2. View Floating Point A# to Z# and FP[1] to FP[1000] (TL7.x and up only)
3. View Data Memory DM[1] to DM[4000]
4. View String Variables A$ to Z$
5. View System Variables (Input[n], Output[n], Relay[n], Timer[n], Ctr[n], emInt[n], emEvent[n], emLint[n])